Release Scribble 0.1.2

Release 0.1.2 went public some minutes ago, containing some fixes and smaller improvements to the JCR support


  • [SCRIB-16] - @Inject Annotations is not considered
  • [SCRIB-19] - InjectableHolders are not recognized properly when injecting
  • [SCRIB-23] - Sonar Issue: The use of XPath.evaluate() is vulnerable to XPath injection
  • [SCRIB-24] - Sonar Issue: The usage of /DocumentBuilder.parse(...) is vulnerable to XML External Entity attacks
  • [SCRIB-25] - Sonar Issue: Use a cryptographically strong random number generator (RNG) like "" in place of this PRNG


  • [SCRIB-11] - Convenience Methods for InMemory and StandaloneRepository creation
  • [SCRIB-20] - Initialize Repository with CND node types


  • [SCRIB-17] - Set up Build for master branch
  • [SCRIB-18] - Set up Test Quality Assesment
  • [SCRIB-21] - Update Apache DS Dependency to 2.0.0-M20
  • [SCRIB-22] - Fix "Copyright and license headers should be defined" Rule configuration